Please take a moment to see what we've been up to this year.  Click on the arrow on each picture to learn about different events!

January 25th

National Pro-Life Summit in D.C. 

In January 2025, our students attended the National Pro-Life Summit, an event hosted by Student for Life of America the day after the March.

It featured so many inspiring speakers, including our adult supervisor Nicole Swannack. We are so grateful that we were able to attend this event, and we hope to do next year.

January 24th

National March for Life in D.C. 

January 24th

 Priests for Life Prayer Service and Essay Contest

December 20st 

Knights Before Christmas

On December 21st, our club volunteered at the Knight Before Christmas event, an event that aimed at raising money for a bus to take students to the March for Life. 

November 5th

 Polling at the Republican Booth

October 27th

 Pumpkin Patch for Life @ Mother Teresa Catholic Church 

On October 27th, we hosted the Pumpkin Patch for Life at Mother Teresa Catholic Church 

We read the Pumpkin Patch Parable by Liz Curtis, hosted carnival games and crafts for the children, and led a decade of the rosary for the the cause of life and all mothers.

October 26th

 Volunteering at the North Carolina Right to Life Booth at the State Fair

October 25th

 End of Season Golfing Event @ Carolina Preserves

October 23th

 My Faith Votes

October 20th

Triangle Buddy Walk

In support of our favorite buddy, Sebastian, and the over 400,000 individuals with Down Syndrome in the United States, Our Lady of Guadalupe's Students for Life walked on October 20th in the Triangle Buddy Walk.  We were so glad to participate in this event, and we hope that our Down Syndrome friends will continue being joyful lights in our world.

October 19, 2024

The Rose Bud Gala

Our Lady of Guadalupe's Students for Life had our first annual Gala on October 19th at St. Joseph's Catholic Church! We had a lot of fun hearing from some inspirational leaders in the pro-life community, including Bill Pincus, president of NC Right to Life, and Lydia Taylor, Students for Life of America spokesperson, and dancing the night away with all our pro-life peers

October 2024

Baby Bottle Drive Hand Out @ St. Mother Teresa

Our Lady of Guadalupe Students for Life ran a baby bottle drive at Saint Mother Teresa Catholic Church to support Birthchoice, a pro-life pregnancy center.  

This year we raised $4039 for Birthchoice.

October 5th

Flags at St. Michaels 

On the first week of October our students volunteered with the Respect Life Ministries Saint Micheal the Archangel's Catholic Church to set up their flags for Respect Life Month.   2,400 flags were set up at each church, representing the 2,400 lives lost each day to abortion. 

October 4th

 Prayer Service for Infant Loss @St. Michaels 

September 14th 2-4pm

High School Business Meeting

September 7th-8th 

Hand out Spiritual Adoption Cards at St. Joe’s 

June-August 2024

Our Lady's Summer for Life!

We had a great summer of apologetics, activism, education, prayer, and fun! We cannot wait to do it all again next year.

August 17th

The Great Debate

at this year's debate of we used the knowledge, we've acquired over the summer to participate in mock debates. We learned a lot this summer and are grateful to Mrs Nicole for teaching us!

June 8th, July 13th, and August 10th, 2024

Mass, Breakfast, and Prayer

Our summer series of Mass, Breakfast, and Prayer was truly a moving and fun experience. We look forward to continuing this program during the year 

August 10th, 2024

Bonfire Social

June 1st, July 6th, and August 2nd, 2024

Virtual Pro-Life Apologetics

 Our Club Facilitator, Mrs. Nicole, taught us about how to defend life, with the ultimate goal of changing minds and hearts. Our Pro-Life Apologetics it culminated in August with the Great Debate-Off.

July 2024

Camp Joshua at Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Marks Catholic Church

Many club members attended Camp Joshua this year at our Lady of Lourdes church. At this two day camp they learned the basics of the pro-life issues through hand-on workshops, fun, fellowship, and excellent pizza. Our president, Charlotte Swannack gave a talk at both weekends of  this camp to participants about how and why to get involved in the Pro-life movement. We thank NC Right to Life for hosting Camp Joshua, and we cannot wait to attend it next year!

Our Lady of Gaudelupe's SFLA Awarded Best New Group of the Year Award

At the National Leaders Collective, Our Lady of Gaudelupe's SFLA was awarded the Best New Group of the Year Award. We are very grateful for this recognition from Students for Life of America and are excited to continue to fight for the unborn.

June 21-24, 2024

National Celebrate Life Weekend 2024

Our leadership team attended the National Celebrate Life Weekend in Washington DC this year.  They were able to celebrate, learn, and strategize with a conference, gala, and rally. 

May 18, 2024

NC March for Life

On May 18th, North Carolina hosted its annual March for Life. Members of Our Lady's Students attended the rally, were interviewed by Divine Mercy Radio, and then the marched as a group.

May 15 10am, 2024

Lobbying at the State Capital

Our Lady of Guadelupe's SFLA and Alicia Forman, our Regional Coordinator, met at the State Capital to lobby for life. We had the opportunity to speak with several of our representatives about supporting the Life at Conception Bill.

May 11, 2024

May Business Meeting

At our May 2024 business meeting We discussed why it is so important that we march for the unborn, made signs for the NC March for Life on May 18th, and planned for upcoming events, to include our Summer for Life Series!

April 28, 2024 & May 5, 2024

Baby Shower Collection Drive

Our students collected items for mothers in need at St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Raleigh, NC.

April 24, 2024 & May 1, 2024

Students for Life Talks to St. Michael's Youth Group

We were honored to have been invited to speak to St. Michael the Archangel's Youth Group about the value of life and how teens can be active members of the Pro-Life Generation.

April 28, 2024

Saint Gianna Molla Tea Party

On April 28th, our club partnered with Mother Teresa Catholic Church's Faith Formation Program and Respect Life Ministry to host a Saint Gianna Molla Tea Party!  

The children presented many wonderful songs and skits for their grandparents and grandfriends, showing God's love for them through these performances.

We are very proud to be part of this event that celebrates the value of life! 

Saint Gianna Molla, Pray for Us!

April 26-27, 2024

Ignited by Truth

Our Lady of Guadalupe's Students for Life hosted a table at this year's Ignited by Truth. We were able to network with North Carolina's pro-life leaders, educate participants on Students For Life, and recruit dozens of new members 

April 22, 2024 & April 25, 2024

We are On Air Talking All Things Pro-Life

Our members, Charlotte and Katie, appeared on Divine Mercy Radio. They spoke about Students for Life, upcoming pro-life events, the incredible impact our local churches are having on the fight for life, and more!  

April 12-13, 2024

Pasta Pump-Up and Run for Life

Our students volunteered at the Pasta Pump-Up at Mother Teresa Catholic Church on April 12th.  This event fueled the bodies and minds of the runners that would be participating in the Run for Life. 

Our students then also participated in the Run for Life on April 13th, supporting BirthChoice!

April 7, 2024

Divine Mercy Egg Hunt

On April 7th, our students hosted a table at Mother Teresa Catholic's Church's Divine Mercy Egg Hunt. At our table, we recruited new members for the club, had a fun activity for the children to participate in, and had some beautiful conversations with parishioners about the pro-life movement.  

April 5, 2024

Tabling at the University of North Carolina

On April 5th, Our Lady's Students and University of North Carolina Students for Life of America Students tabled in the Pit.

We were able to have many great and fruitful conversations with the students at UNC. 

Our Lady's Students for Life is extraordinarily grateful to UNC SFLA students for mentoring us and including us in their tabling.  We have learned and grown incredibly from this experience.

Please pray for the UNC Students and the members of UNC's SFLA.

March 23, 2024

40 Days for Life with 

Mother Teresa Catholic Church

On March 23rd, our students joined Mother Teresa Catholic Church for their 40 Days for Life Prayer Campaign at our local Women's Center. 

We have been greatly impacted by our participation in 40 Days for Life.  While praying, we witnessed women and their loved ones enter and exit the clinic bereft with grief.  One of the most difficult things of the 40 Days for Life was watching women enter the clinic, knowing that life was being destroyed as we prayed. 

We were moved with compassion and love for these women and their unborn children, and so, through our sadness and our tears we continue to pray, to advocate, and to love.  We never lose hope that one day abortion will not only be abolished, but will be unimaginable.

We earnestly ask each you to pray for the clinic staff, their patients, and the unborn.  May Mary, our loving intercessor, wrap them in her mantle of peace and protection.

March 16, 2024

Business Meeting

On March 16th, we held our March business meeting were we heard from JT Kilmek, a member of the Pro-Life Triangle Younge Adult Group. 

JT taught our students how to successfully debate the pro-life cause and, after learning from him, students got a chance to practice what they learned in mock debates. 

We closed the meeting with our Lucy, our Secretary and Book Club Leader, presenting and leading a discussion on Lila Rose's book Fighting For Life.   If you haven't read this book yet, put it on your must read list!

March 15, 2024

40 Days for Life with 

St. Michael the Archangel's Catholic Church

On March 15th, our students joined St. Michael the Archangel's Catholic Church for their 40 Days for Life Prayer Campaign at our local Women's Center. 

We have been greatly impacted by our participation in 40 Days for Life.  While praying, we witnessed women and their loved ones enter and exit the clinic bereft with grief.  One of the most difficult things of the 40 Days for Life was watching women enter the clinic, knowing that life was being destroyed as we prayed. 

We were moved with compassion and love for these women and their unborn children, and so we continue to pray, to advocate, and to love.  We ask each of you, reading this, to pray for the clinic staff, their patients, and the unborn.  May Mary, our loving intercessor, wrap them in her mantle of peace and protection.

February 20, 2024

Tabling at NC State University

On February 20th, Our Lady's Students and North Carolina State University Students for Life of America Students tabled in the Tally Student Union. 

We were able to have many fruitful conversations with the students at NC State and were even able change some minds and hearts regarding abortion.  This was truly a life-giving event.  

Our Lady's Students for Life is extraordinarily grateful to the NC State SFLA students for mentoring us and including us in their tabling.  We have learned and grown incredibly from this experience.

Please pray for the NC State Students and the members of NC State's SFLA.

February 11, 2024

Love Life Bake Sale at St. Joseph's Catholic Church

On February 11th, our students hosted a Valentine's Day Bake Sale at St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Raleigh, NC.   Our fundraiser was incredibly successful, and we are incredibly grateful for the support and love of St. Joseph's Parish and its parishioners. 

Funds raised will sponsor upcoming service projects, educational events, and political campaigns. 

Please keep St.  Joseph's Parishioners in your prayers.  They are a beautiful and holy group of people who love life!

February 4, 2024

Room at the Inn Tour

On February 4th, our students toured Room at the Inn in Greensboro, NC. While on the tour, we were able to see their maternity home where they can house up to six women and four children at a time. 

We also got to learn about their program for the women who live there, which helps the mothers develop themselves professionally so that they can support themselves and their children when they leave the home.  

Room at the Inn has an exciting Capital Campaign launched to fund building a home and educational facilities that would support more families.  After the tour, we went out to lunch with our regional coordinator, Alicia Foreman.  

Please pray for the staff, women, and children at Room at the Inn.

January 19-21, 2024

National March for Life in Washington, D.C.

and National Pro-Life Summit

In January 2024, our students marched in the National March for Life in Washington, D.C. and the National Pro-Life Summit. 

At the March and Summit, students heard some amazing pro-life leaders.  Our students returned to North Carolina encouraged and full of hope.  We are the Pro-Life Generation, and we are strong in faith, love, and number!  

Please pray for all of those who led and organized the March and the Summit.  Please also pray for the participants of these events.  May God's grace strengthen and renew all in the pro-life cause. 

January 19, 2024

Rose Gala

Due to the generosity of the Duncan family, several of our students had the honor and privilege of attended the Rose Gala.  

Our students heard from some true heroes in the pro-life cause.

Please pray for the Duncan family.  They are local North Carolina heroes, advocating for women and the unborn and leading with unwavering love.

December 16, 2023

Pro-Life Christmas Party

On December 16th, our students enjoyed fellowship and fun celebrating the most Pro-Life event in history, Jesus' birth! 

We enjoyed some friendly and hysterical competition as we decorated gingerbread houses, had a white elephant swap, and played Kahoot. 

We are grateful for each and every one of our students, who have become some of our best friends.  Please pray for each of our students and their families.  May they know the peace, love, joy, and hope of Christ.

November 17, 2023

On November 17th, students met for our December Business Meeting. 

We started the meeting by hearing from Alicia Foreman, Regional Director for Students for Life of America, who spoke on embracing controversy.  Alicia talked to us about what controversy is, the difference between good and bad controversy, and how to embrace it while fighting for the lives of the unborn. After hearing from Alicia, Lucy, our Secretary and Book Club Leader, led the club in a discussion of the book we are reading, Fighting for Life by Lila Rose. 

Our meeting concluded with  Ice Cream Sundaes. 

November 17, 2023

Bonfire Service & Social

On November 17th,  several of our students met for a service project by bonfire. We started this event by making gift bags for the mothers that visit Birthchoice, then roasted hot dogs, made s'mores, and played a round of capture the flag.  

October 29, 2023

Pumpkin Patch for Life

On October 29th, the Pumpkin Patch for Life was hosted at Mother Teresa Catholic Church and was planned and run by members of the Mother Teresa Respect Life Ministry and Our Lady's Students for Life. 

We began this event by reading the Pumpkin Patch Parable written by Liz Curtis.  This book allowed us to talk about the importance of life at all stages with young children. Just like a farmer spends many months caring for his pumpkin and waiting for it to grow, God also patiently waits for us and loves us while we are forming in our mother's womb. We also talked about how loved and important every life is.  Each of us is made with a unique purpose, making us invaluable to our families, friends, and communities. 

After our lesson, we played carnival games, crafted, and prayed a decade of the rosary for the respect life cause and all mothers. 

October 2023

Baby Bottle Drive

During the month of October, Students of Our Lady of Guadalupe Students for Life of America ran two baby bottle drives to support Birthchoice. Birthcoice is a non-profit organization that offers free pregnancy resources and counseling to pregnant women. Our Lady of Guadalupe Students at S. Jospeh's Catholic Church, ran a drive that raised $1160. Students at Mother Teresa Catholic ran a baby bottle which raised $5056. In total Our Lady of Guadalupe Students for Life of America raised $6,216 for Birtchoice. We are so grateful for everyone who helped make this drive a success. 

October 14, 2023

On October 14th, our students gathered for their monthly business meeting. We started this meeting by meditating on Jeremiah 1:4-10 and prayed the rosary for the respect life cause. After praying, we heard a presentation on "How to Defend your Pro-Life Views in Five Minutes." The club finished their meeting by planning for November's upcoming social and business meeting.   

October 12, 2023

Presentation from President of National March for Life, Jeanne Mancini 

The students of Our Lady of Guadalupe Students for Life of America were so blessed to be able to hear a presentation from Jeanne Mancini s at Mother Teresa Catholic Church. Our Lady of Guadalupe Students  had the privilege of praying the rosary for life, attending mass, and hearing from Jeanne Mancini. 

Mancini started by talking about three truly incredible saints, Gianna Molla, Pope John Paul II, and Mother Teresa, and how all three of the saints showed an incredible amount of love for their neighbor.

Mancini then went on to talk about the three ways in which we are able to shape the culture of life. The first thing she said to do was pray. The second is to listen and to hear God's voice, as it is only through listening to him that we will be successful in ending abortion. Finally, we must follow the call of the holy spirit. It is only through doing these things that we will end the culture of death. 

September 30, 2024

Bowling for Life

On September 30th members of Our students met for their first social of the year! Members got together for a few rounds of bowling and socializing.  

September 2023

Respect Life Flags

On the last week of September our students volunteered to help the Respect Life Ministries from Mother Teresa Catholic Church and Saint Micheal the Archangel's Catholic Church set up their flags for Respect Life Month.   2,400 flags were set up at each church, representing the 2,400 lives lost each day to abortion. 

September 14, 2024

On September 16th, we had our first business meeting, and it was a success! At the meeting, we talked about the Students for Life of America organization, what it means to be a pro-life teen, and the significance of Our Lady of Guadalupe.