Please take a moment to see the exciting and life-giving events that are coming up. Click on the arrow on each picture to learn about our different events!
April 11&12th
Run For Life
Our Lady of Guadelupe's students for Life are going again to the "Cary Run For Life."
Last year, our students volunteered at the Pasta Pump-Up at Mother Teresa Catholic Church, and we will be doing it again next year the night before the Race!
All proceeds from this race go to Birthchoice
March 18th
Pro-Life Gen Chalk Day
April 4-5th
Ignited by Truth
Our Lady of Guadalupe's Students for Life will host a table at this year's Ignited by Truth. Last conference we were able to network with North Carolina's pro-life leaders, educate participants on Students For Life, and recruit dozens of new members, and hope to do the same this year.
April 11&12th
Pasta Pump Up and Run For Life
Our Lady of Guadelupe's students for Life are going again to the "Cary Run For Life."
Last year, our students volunteered at the Pasta Pump-Up at Mother Teresa Catholic Church, and we will be doing it again next year the night before the Race!
All proceeds from this race go to Birthchoice
St. Gianna Molla Tea Party
Our club will again partner with Mother Teresa Catholic Church's Faith Formation Program and Respect Life Ministry to host a Saint Gianna Molla Tea Party!
The children will present many wonderful songs and skits for their grandparents and grandfriends, showing God's love for them through these performances.
We are very proud to be part of this event that celebrates the value of life!
Saint Gianna Molla, Pray for Us!
May 10th 3-5pm
End of Year Social
To celebrate another amazing school year defending the Pro-life cause, we will host an end of year social.
May 17th
NC March for Life
North Carolina will host its annual March for Life, and Members of Our Lady's Students will attend the rally and march as a group
National Celebrate Life Weekend in D.C.
Our leadership team will attend the National Celebrate Life Weekend in Washington DC this year.